Cruz de luto
Cruz de luto

cruz de luto cruz de luto

The Costa Rican Chancellery has been more active than ever, with regular press releases:Įl Presidente (Luis Guillermo) Solís fue enfático en que la principal prioridad del Gobierno es de carácter humanitaria, para garantizar que hombres, mujeres y niños migrantes tengan las condiciones adecuadas de alimentación, atención médica y psicológica, cobija y techo para afrontar la difícil situación que afrontan en la frontera norte. Besides the pastoral one, there were three additional shelters in La Cruz, and on Wednesday another was was inaugurated in Liberia. Until Wednesday, 883 people stayed at shelters set up by the National Commission of Emergencies, supported by several organizations. It's a chilly Monday evening and on the hillside of the pampa is unfolding a border drama that has some 2.000 Cubans stranded in Costa Rica, given the refusal by Nicaragua to allow them to go ahead and resume their journey to the United States. You can see the moon over La Cruz de Guanacaste, 16 kilometers away from the border with Nicaragua. Además de la pastoral, se izaron tres refugios adicionales en La Cruz, y el miércoles se inauguró otro en Liberia. Hasta el miércoles, 883 personas permanecían en albergues instaurados por la Comisión Nacional de Emergencias, con el apoyo de múltiples organizaciones. Está fresca la noche del lunes y en las faldas de la pampa se ha desatado desde el domingo un drama fronterizo que tiene a unos 2.000 cubanos anclados en Costa Rica, dada la negativa de Nicaragua de permitirles transitar y retomar su romería hacia los Estados Unidos. Se deja ver la luna en La Cruz de Guanacaste, a 16 kilómetros de la frontera con Nicaragua. Their situation has been at the center of the news for several days: More than a thousand Cuban citizens are stranded in Costa Rican territory awaiting a “miracle” that will allow them to go through Nicaragua on their way to the north. Imagen on Flickr by user Kippelboy (CC BY-NC 2.0).Ĭosta Rica has been at the center of the headlines since mid November 2015 with the following news: the drama of the Cuban migrants stranded on their journey to the United States, the Syrian nationals who were in the country for five days without anyone noticing and the violent death of the brave young man who filmed one of many street harassers.Īs then president Ricardo Jiménez Oreamuno used to say back in the 1930s, in Costa Rica there are only three seasons: rainy, dry and quarrelling with the ‘nicas’ (short for Nicaraguans). But there was no welcome to Nicaragua for Cuban migrants stranded in Costa Rica.

cruz de luto

“Welcome to Nicaragua”, reads the banner.

Cruz de luto